Of course not only did Queensland select their full quota of Ref abusers and geographically challenged backs they also quickly went back on their word by picking Israle Falou. Queensland failed to live up to their hype in the most embarassing backdown of all time since Julie Bishop had to confess that Australia forges passports as well...Ah no I'm not suppose to talk about that.
New South Wales on the other hand well what can I say. Same mistakes different players. Jimal was dropped after one game, supposedly for his bad read in defence but I suspect it was because of his uncanny resembelance to the cast of fraggle rock (look carefully at these two shots and see if you can pick 5 differences.)

New South wales is still playing halfback roulette with Mitchell Pearce back into the team, mainly to cover for the fact that Trent Barrett can't kick.
The one constant with all these losses is of course Craig Bellamy. Sure Queensland has a good team (although not for much longer) but we should have won more purely by chance over the last 4 years. Let NSW hire Des Hasler at least his forwards would be worried enough about being injurred by a flying door that they might put in one decent half.
Craig is suppose to be a good coach as he has a well "drilled" team. They control everything from when they sleep to what they eat. And Remember you are what you eat. If thats true (its probably not as the staff at the storm probably do that) then he has been feeding the NSW backs chicken livers. Acctually we had better hope that its not true that you are what you eat, if it is then Ben would be a takeaway ie "Fast, Cheap and Easy"
But back to coaches, And for the benefit of Ricky Stewart who is being touted as next years Origin coach - no we wont be picking Paul Gallen for every game - yes he is a reliable defender and has an offload but he gives away two penalties a game.
Anyway I live in hope but I know what the result will be.
In Other News
The NSW state budget was released with the news that we are back in surprise surplus. The original budget deficit came as something of a surprise as it was originally caused by a young graduate working hard into the night when he failed to carry the one when adding up the revenue column.
This year the problem was solved by a disillusioned 20 year veteran public servant whose solar power calculator ran out of charge halfway through adding up the City Metro Bills.
So what the point well it probably means that there is now more money available for the government to spend on making a third ground for the western Sydney AFL franchise. Why is that good news because it means more maintenance which means it will go broke faster so we can use it for league sooner.