Monday, May 24, 2010

A Tribute to the Fallen

Well the news from Rugby league this week is State of origin and the resignation of Ricky Stewart from the Sharks. It wasn't a surprise really four years at the Sharks and only a handful of trys to show for it. Still despite be barely able to average 12 points a game he will end up with a better record than Craig Bellamy.

The Sharks Board has been trying to get rid of Ricky for the best part of a year but they don't want to sack him and be forced to pay out his contract. It was decisions like that, that lead them into the big debt problem that they are currently in. Of course the other stupid decision was renovating the foyer of the Sharks leagues clubs and the installation of some expensive and totally unnecessary furniture (a trophy cabinet).

The good news for Ricky is that he is still being paid and has plenty of time to line up another job confident in the knowledge that no matter how badly his team performs they won't win the wooden spoon.

In Other News
David Campbell has been forced to resign when Peter Meakin of Channel 7 decided to fictitiously claim he had abused his use of his government car. (Peter if you recall has multiple convictions for high range DUI, is famous for having been sacked after 3 months as the media advisor to Morris Immea and claiming a two year settlement on the way out. While that was going on he managed to get a Minister pregnant and ruined her career by insisting that she get her driver to drive him home pissed. So in other words doing exactly what he falsely accused David of doing and then some.)

If I was David I would have gone for the case of mistaken identity excuse, I was shopping for an anniversary present and went to the wrong end of the street.
It turns out that Ken's of Kensington (KKK) is only down the road from Peters of Kensington, so you can get a rub and a tug and a lovely set of plates all within walking distance.

Unfortunately for David, the Premier practices Moscrimination so was also keen to punt him.......then feigned outrage at the invasion of privacy (of course if she wanted to keep him she could have simply refused to accept his resignation).

So in a tribute to the fallen we say goodbye to these fallen hero's. One was politically astute and rose to the most senior levels of his position and one managed to coach his way into scoring three times a week.